
question 1

Does anybody know what the hell the deal is with double zippers? I wore one of my jackets today since it's freezing in the mornings now, and it has one of them doohickies on it. For those of you confused as to what I'm talking about here's a picture:

It's the most useless thing in the universe. You can unzip your jacket from bottom to top -- oh boy! I've always needed to do that!
I've never in my life seen anyone wearing a jacket or coat in that manner. So what the hell are these things for? I'd look like a jackass with my jacket zipped halfway up from the bottom, plus I'd be cold, thereby defeating the purpose of wearing a jacket.
The only thing they serve to do is to make it a pain in the ass to zip up your jacket. That's it.
I have another jacket with a single zipper on it. Guess what, it works great! It's a fantastic system!
But my double zipper jacket has nothing but problems when it comes to zipping up.

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